As a young girl, this blogger was fortunate enough to spend four years in Scotland, pretending to eat
haggis, wearing odd
clothes, learning to stick extraneous letters into words, and, more pertinent to this post, watching the amazing
sheep dog trials. Those dogs were awesome in the true sense of the word, almost seeming to share a psychic connection with their handlers. Using nothing but whistles and the occasional shout, the shepherds would direct the dogs to cut certain sheep from the herd, move them from one place to another, seperate them into groups, and other staggering feats. These days, you too can see these dogs in action, without crossing the pond to do it! Seems the sport is growing in popularity, with events held across the country, according to
this article in yesterday's Oklahoman. Take a look at the article, and if you have the oppourtunity to attend a trial, dinnae be a bampot, go see it!

George expresses his feelings about sheepdogs, and all OTHER dogs, for that matter!